1. By signing below, I hereby agree, acknowledge, and consent to the following:
(a) that Project Success may collect, use, disclose and/or process any
information relating to me (including any personal data provided by me to Project Success) for the purposes of :
2. I hereby declare that all information provided by me in connection with this application is true, accurate and complete. I understand that any inaccurate, incomplete or false information given or any omission of information required, may at Project Success's discretion, render this application invalid and Project Success may reserve the rights to reject my application without prior notice.
3. I hereby agree to inform Project Success if there is any change in any of the details I have provided to Project Success in this application. I understand and agree that it is my sole responsibility to inform and update Project Success of any changes to my personal information. I hereby agree to indemnify and absolve Project Success of any liability arising out of any use and/or disclosure by Project Success of any inaccurate or incomplete information due to my failure to update Project Success promptly of any changes to my personal information.
4. I hereby agree to Project Success contacting me via the stated modes of communication, for the purpose of sending me information about products / services that Project Success may be offering (including, without limitation, to any job offers, job details, trainings and/or seminars), and which Project Success believes may be of interest or benefit to me. ie. by postal mail and/or electronic transmission to my email address; and to my telephone number(s) by way of voice call / phone call, SMS / MMS (text messages) and/or email / fax.